Package fieldpy :: Package stream_gauging :: Module dilution_gauging :: Class DilutionGauging
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Class DilutionGauging

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Class for the dilution gauging experiments of one day, with the aim of making a stage discharge relation for that day.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, inj_file, time_intervals, conductivity, conductivity_field, all_calib, stage, stage_field, stage_averaging_time=3600)
After initialistaion exacute:
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Does integrity checks:
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make_stage_discharge_relation(self, order_of_poly=2, verbose_=False)
Makes the stage discharge relation by fitting a polynomial to the stage and discharge record.
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plot_stage_discharge_relation(self, ax=None, color='b')
Does as advertised.
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plot_stage_discharge_measurements(self, ax=None, color='b') source code
stage2dis(self, stage)
Converts an array of stage data into discharge.
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Returns a stage to discharge function which can be used without the DilutionGauging instance.
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Plot the breakthrough curves of all injections.
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Inherited from core.extra_classes.TimeSeries: check_constant_sampling_interval, check_monotonically_inc_time, cut_time_series, filter_and_resample, get_ind, get_ind_as_slice, get_index_after, get_index_before, get_index_nearest, integrate, plot_date, plot_ts, time_filter_gauss

Inherited from core.extra_classes.Data: filter_by_freq, filter_low_pass, mask_if_true, mask_jumps, mask_jumps_one_dir, mask_value, pickle

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from core.extra_classes.Data: data, md

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, inj_file, time_intervals, conductivity, conductivity_field, all_calib, stage, stage_field, stage_averaging_time=3600)

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After initialistaion exacute:

  • self.make_concentration
  • self.calc_discharge
  • self.get_stage
  • inj_file (sting or None) - A file containing information about salt injections, formatted like test_data/injections_13JUL10.maw If None an essentially empty instance will be created.
  • time_intervals ((list of) tuple of floats or None) - The list of time intervals (measured in secs after injection) used for the calcuation of discharge and such. If set to None then (0, 240) is used.
  • conductivity (fieldpy.stream_gauging.conductivity.Conductivity) - An instance holding the conductivtiy data spanning the experiment time.
  • all_calib (fieldpy.stream_gauging.calibration.AllCalibrations) - Instance holding the calibration data and associated conductivity to
  • stage (fieldpy.stream_gauging.stream_gauging.Stage) - Instance holding the stage
  • stage_field (string) - The field of to use
  • stage_averaging_time (float) - the time (in secs) over which to average the stage. (default 3600)
Overrides: object.__init__


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Does integrity checks:

  • nothing so far
Overrides: core.extra_classes.Data.check

make_stage_discharge_relation(self, order_of_poly=2, verbose_=False)

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Makes the stage discharge relation by fitting a polynomial to the stage and discharge record.

  • order_of_poly (int) - the order of the polynomial
  • verbose_ - if True

stage2dis(self, stage)

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Converts an array of stage data into discharge.

  • stage - array of stages