Running stuff on Westgrid

Table of Contents

[2012-10-24 Wed]

Logging in & minimal set-up

Having gotten a Westgrid account you should be able to log in like so

ssh username@bugaboo.westgrid.ca

it will prompt you for your password. For convenience you can define in ~/.bashrc the alias

alias sshwestgrid='ssh -X username@bugaboo.westgrid.ca'

To copy stuff to Westgrid use scp. Type on your local machine

scp path/to/somefile username@bugaboo.westgrid.ca:path/where/to/place/file/in/home/dir

But have a look at sshfs below for an easy method to mount the Westgrid home-folder on you local machine.

More info to be found here.

Running computations on Westgrid

A note on Matlab: we, from SFU, can only run Matlab on SFU-machines, which is bugaboo.


Interactive sessions on westgrid are only supposed to be used for debugging and such. They are quite limited by the amount of RAM and CPU time. To run a matlab session without the GUI type:

matlab -nodesktop -nosplash

or for python


Batch jobs

Westgrid documentation here.

The way to use Westgrid for proper computing is to submit batch jobs. They land in a queue and will be processed once they reach the front of the queue. The queuing system is depending on things like job size, run time, how many jobs you got running, etc.

The three most important commands are:

  • submit a job

    qsub jobfile.pbs

    where the job is defined in the *.pbs file (see below).

  • show the place and status of your jobs in the queue

    showq -u username

    It sometimes take a couple of minutes for the job to show up.

  • delete a job (jobid is displayed with showq)

    qdel jobid
  • the *.pbs file

    The *.pbs file tells the queue-system how to run a specific job and gives requests/estimates for the resources needed. It may look like this (note, it's basically a bash script)

    #PBS -S /bin/bash
    # .pbs file for running on westgrid:
    # see https://www.westgrid.ca/support/quickstart/new_users#running
    # comments starting with #PBS are instructions for the queue-system
    # use one processor:
    #PBS -l procs=1
    # request 2000MB of ram:
    #PBS -l pmem=2000mb
    # estimated run time 3:10 hours:
    #PBS -l walltime=03:10:00
    # cd to directory in which this *.pbs file is located
    echo "Current working directory is `pwd`"
    echo "Running on hosts:"
    echo "Starting run at: `date`"
    matlab -nodisplay -r your_matlab_script -logfile your_log_file
    echo "Job finished at: `date`"

    This will run the matlab script "your\matlab\script.m", note the lack of the .m and that no arguments can be passed. The "your\log\file" will capture everything written to standard out.


Find an example of a (maybe) working matlab computation here.

On local machine

  • scp it to westgrid

    scp westgrid_matlab_example.zip mauro@bugaboo.westgrid.ca:westgrid_matlab_example.zip

On Westgrid:

  • unzip it

    unzip westgrid_matlab_example.zip
  • cd to geeks and submit job

    cd geeks
    qsub test_pbs.pbs
  • check on it

    showq -u username
  • follow log file

    tail -f test_log

Advanced computational setup

Customise environment with modules, eg. execute

module load python

Available software differs from machine to machine: http://www.westgrid.ca/support/software

But again, note that we, from SFU, can only run Matlab on SFU-machines, which is bugaboo.

More setup

The following stuff I use to make my westgrid-life easier.

Email forwarding

To get emails westgrid sends to you about your jobs and such, run in your home directory

echo "youremail@sfu.ca" > .forward

bash shell setup

Here is my .bashrc file, copy it to your westgrid home folder. Then copy this file to ~/bin. The changes will take effect on next login or source it with

. .bashrc

Keyless SSH

SSH can be set up such that you don't need to type in your password when you log in, mount via sshfs (see below) or use version control connecting to remote servers. These web-sites give a howto (do use a passphrase to protect your ssh-keys! This passphrase should be different to your passwords.):

(Note: You want to set this up on your local machine!)

Now the potentially fiddly part is to get it set-up such that you only need to enter above passphrase once. If running Ubuntu this should be working out of the box and you'll be prompted for the passphrase the first time you ssh. On other systems this may not be so, I put the line

eval `/usr/bin/ssh-agent`

in my ~/.xinitrc which does it. Your mileage may vary.



and it will prompt you for the passphrase and unlock the keys for the current session.


sshfs is way to mount directories of a remote machine, easily and securely. On the remote all that is needed is ssh, on the local machine sshfs is needed. To then mount your westgrid home run the following on your local machine. Make a directory to be used as mount point:

mkdir -p ~/mnt/westgrid

and then mount (replace username with yours):

sshfs username@bugaboo.westgrid.ca:/home/username $HOME/mnt/westgrid -o compression=yes -o reconnect -o idmap=user -o gid=100 -o workaround=rename -o follow_symlinks

all the options are not strictly needed but enhance the experience. To unmount run

fusermount -u -z $HOME/mnt/westgrid/

For convenience I add the two aliases to my ~/.bashrc

alias mountwestgrid='sshfs username@bugaboo.westgrid.ca:/home/username $HOME/mnt/westgrid -o compression=yes -o reconnect -o idmap=user -o gid=100  -o workaround=rename -o follow_symlinks'
alias umountwestgrid='fusermount -u -z $HOME/mnt/westgrid/'

Version control

Git, mercurial and subversion are available on bugaboo. Again to have access to your version control server you can setup keyless SSH, but now on westgrid.

GNU screen

GNU screen is magic and makes remote work so much more easy. Copy ./docs/.screenrc to your westgrid home folder; in there is also a setup to make ssh-agent work. For this, copy ./docs/screen-ssh-agent to your ~/bin folder.

Now type


hit control+space then ? for help.

Now running ssh-add will make the unlocked ssh-keys available in all screen sub-shells.

Locally installing software

If some desired software, like e.g. your model code, or some other software is not installed, then you need to install it yourself. See here https://www.westgrid.ca/support/programming. Potentially you have to activate the right compilers with the

module load xxx
